Christina Jade Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & Hypnotherapy


Hypothalamic Amenorrhea – the importance of macronutrients

In order to recover from HA, it is very important that you incorporate each macronutrient into your daily meals. Fats, protein and carbohydrates all play a different role in supporting the hypothalamus. This can be very challenging for those suffering with HA as they are prone to diets and restriction. I outline below why it is imperative that you incorporate each macronutrient into your meal plan when recovering from HA:


Fats are very important during HA recovery because they are an easy way to ensure you are consuming enough calories, as they are the most energy-dense macronutrient. Fats also play a part in regulating hormones. For instance, without enough fat in the body, estrogen cannot be produced. This has a negative impact on the nervous system and will also cause both ovulation and menstruation to cease. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to help reduce inflammation in women with HA which is caused by low levels of estrogen. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to help eggs mature.


The body’s preferred energy source is carbohydrates. It is therefore paramount for women with HA to incorporate enough carbs into their diet to ensure there is enough energy available to menstruate. If the body does not have enough glycogen available to use, the secretion of Luteinising hormone will be disrupted, serotonin levels will decrease and cortisol levels will rise. Low carbohydrate diets have also been shown to have a negative impact on relaxation and sleep cycles as a result of a lack of tryptophan.


Protein helps to synthesise our hormones and ensures our blood sugar and energy levels remain stable. While recovering, excess protein is discouraged as it uses a large amount of energy to breakdown. However, in order to create a regular menstrual cycle and to protect bones from osteoperosis adequate intake is required.